
ヘルスケア事業 - マーケットアナリスト

◇募集職種(Job Title)
(Market Analyst)

勤務地(Work location)
(Head Office, Chuo-ku, Osaka)

This may change in the future to a location determined by the company (domestic offices or overseas, etc.)

◇職務内容(About the position)
Identify the needs of patients, their families, and medical professionals globally through thorough market analysis. Differentiate our products and pipelines from competitors by analyzing the pharmacological mechanism of action and non-clinical/clinical data. Set the goals of the products and services we should aim for. Lead or support the cross-organizational activities required to achieve the goals globally.
Conduct primary and secondary research globally to analyze market dynamics, including unmet needs. Clarify the data to be obtained to ensure that our products and pipelines meet the needs and differentiate from competitors, and reflect this in the target product profile. Use various business frameworks to deeply analyze market dynamics and consider target segments, targets, positioning, etc.
Develop logic for sales forecasting based on market analysis, collect necessary data, and develop sales forecasts.
Lead cross-organizational disease selection and prioritization activities for R&D products.
Conduct the value assessments of business development candidates based on primary and secondary research.

This may change in the future as determined by the company.

【必須要件(Essential criteria)】
業務における英語コミュニケーション能力およびTOEIC 800点以上
【望ましい要件(Desirable criteria)】
薬学、医学、獣医学、化学、生物学等の分野におけるPh.D. またはMBA
【Essential criteria】
Bachelor's degree or higher
Knowledge of the pharmaceutical development process
Knowledge and practical experience in market research, data analysis, and marketing
Basic interpersonal skills
Business English communication skills and TOEIC score of 800 or higher
Data processing skills such as sales forecasting and NPV calculation using Excel
Over 10 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, over 5 years of experience in market analysis (including global markets)
【Desirable criteria】
Ph.D. in the fields of pharmacy, medicine, veterinary medicine, chemistry, biology, etc. or MBA 

募集の背景(Background of recruitment)
STS2030 Revisionにおいて注力する戦略の一つとして、グローバル展開の加速、グローバル販売力の強化におけるマーケティングにおける4極連携、マーケティング人材の強化を掲げている。
One of the strategies to focus on in STS2030 Revision is accelerating global expansion, strengthening global sales capabilities, forming a four-pole collaboration in marketing, and strengthening marketing human resources. 
In 2023, in order to solve issues and achieve the goals in global marketing activities, a new system focusing on the operational aspects of global marketing activities was created. This system will guide global marketing activities and serve as a reference point for understanding the current situation and when in trouble.
The person we are looking for is the one who can conduct thorough market analysis in line with the system and make proposals to tackle market issues globally.

得られるスキル(Skills that can be developed)

The following skills will be strengthened:
Ability to create markets, creativity, business quantitative analysis, project management, and business communication skills in English
