
ヘルスケア事業 - PJマネージャー

◇募集職種(Job Title)
勤務地(Work location)
大阪 本社
(Head Office, Osaka)

This may change in the future to a location determined by the company (domestic offices or overseas, etc.)

◇職務内容(About the position)
In order to promote new business at SHIONOGI, as the person in charge of the project, you will be responsible for creating product profiles, planning and executing development strategies, and building a business structure and operating the business to carry out business feasibility evaluations for market launch.

This may change in the future as determined by the company.

ヘルスケア産業に従事したことがあり、複数のバリューチェーンでの職務及び医薬品を含めヘルスケア関連製品のプロジェクトマネジメントの経験があること (必須) 
SaMD(Software as a Medical Device)やNon-SaMD或いは医療機器の開発、臨床試験の企画立案、共同研究やライセンスなど外部パートナーとの協業、マーケティングの経験があること(Desirable)
Previous experience in the healthcare industry, with experience in multiple value chain roles and project management for healthcare-related products, including pharmaceuticals (essential)
Experience in SaMD (Software as a Medical Device), Non-SaMD or medical device development, clinical trial planning, collaboration with external partners such as joint research and licensing, and marketing (desirable)

募集の背景(Background of recruitment)
SHIONOGIは、中期経営計画STS2030 において、ヘルスケアサービス(HaaS)を実現することを約束している。医薬品を含むヘルスケアをサービスとして提供するための新しい事業に挑戦する人を求めます
In its medium-term management plan STS2030, SHIONOGI has committed to realizing healthcare as a service (HaaS). We are looking for someone who will take on the challenge of a new business to provide healthcare, including medicines, as a service.

得られるスキル(Skills that can be developed)

By planning and promoting new healthcare services, you will be able to acquire skills related to clinical trials, business feasibility evaluation, etc., including project management and leadership. You will also gain the skills to build relationships and communicate with a variety of partners.
