
研究 - 創薬化学研究者

◇募集職種(Job Title)
Medicinal Chemist
勤務地(Work location)

This may change in the future to a location determined by the company (domestic offices or overseas, etc.)

◇職務内容(About the position)
1. 研究の方針・戦略の理解、課題解決に向けた仮説・解決策の提案
2. 上記の仮説等に基づいた化合物デザイン
3. AI・分子モデリング(ドッキング、分子シミュレーションなど)などの最新創薬技術の活用
4. デザインした化合物や中間体などの合成。その過程における最新有機化学の知見や分析・精製法の活用
5. 薬理、安全性、薬部動態、計算化学などの専門性を有する研究者との分野横断的コラボレーション
6. CROのマネジメント、メンターとしてラボ・チームメンバーの指導
Job description for medicinal chemistry research towards the creation of low molecular weight pharmaceuticals:
1. Understanding the direction and strategy of research, proposing hypotheses and solutions for problem-solving.
2. Compound design based on the aforementioned hypotheses.
3. Utilization of cutting-edge drug discovery technologies such as AI and molecular modeling (docking, molecular simulation, etc.).
4. Synthesis of designed compounds and intermediates, applying knowledge of the latest organic chemistry, analysis, and purification methods in the process.
5. Collaborating with researchers specialized in pharmacology, safety, pharmacokinetics, computational chemistry, and other fields.
6. Managing CROs and mentoring laboratory and team members.

This may change in the future as determined by the company.
1. 博士号(医学、薬学、理学、工学等)取得者
2. 3年以上の製薬会社における創薬研究経験
1. 創薬プログラムにおいてリーダーシップを発揮した実績
2. 有機化学や創薬化学のみでなく、薬理学、生化学、安全性、薬物動態分野において専門家と議論できるレベルの知識
3. 特定の疾患領域に精通し、新薬創出に向けた戦略を立案できる能力
4. 英語コミュニケーション能力
【Essential criteria】
1. Doctoral degree holder (in medicine, pharmacy, science, engineering, etc.)
2. More than 3 years of experience in drug discovery research at a pharmaceutical company
【Desirable criteria】
1. Demonstrated leadership achievements in drug discovery programs
2. Knowledge at a level where discussions can be held with experts in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry, safety, and pharmacokinetics
3. Proficiency in a specific disease area and ability to develop strategies for new drug creation
4. English communication skills

◇募集の背景(Background of recruitment)

The strength of SHIONOGI's research lies in its low molecular weight drug discovery engine, which efficiently generates innovative pharmaceuticals. In order to promote the continuous creation of development candidates, we are seeking medicinal chemists with extensive experience in other companies.
得られるスキル(Skills that can be developed)

The leadership to lead program members with a wide range of specialties and SHIONOGI drug discovery know-how besed on infectious diseases
