
開発 - 診断薬・医療機器のプロダクトマネジャー

◇募集職種(Job Title)
Product Manager for Diagnostics and Medical Devices

勤務地(Work location)
Shionogi Headquarter, Osaka

This may change in the future to a location determined by the company (domestic offices or overseas, etc.)

◇職務内容(About the position)
診断薬・医療機器のプロダクトマネジャーは,SHIONOGIが掲げる早期診断/早期治療 (“Test to Treat”) の実現のために,SHIONOGIがグローバルに展開する診断薬・医療機器の製品企画,製品戦略を策定し,その実行により製品を市場に届けることに貢献する.
診断薬・医療機器の製品創出,開発および申請戦略策定には,最先端技術や検討中の技術を選定し,国内および国外(米国,EUを含む諸外国)のスタートアップ企業,アカデミア,大手診断機器企業,および社内専門部署と連携し製品に仕上げることが含まれる.サイエンスの知識を駆使し,診断薬・医療機器プロジェクトリーダー (PL)を含む研究開発担当者と連携の上,該当する疾患のTest to Treatの実現により,多くの治療手段・ヘルスケアソリューションを患者に届けるための製品を上市する活動をリードする.
The Product Manager for Diagnostics and Medical Devices will formulate product planning and product strategies for diagnostics and medical devices that SHIONOGI will develop globally,and contribute to bringing products to market through their implementation, in order to realize SHIONOGI's goal of early diagnosis/early treatment (""Test to Treat""). 
Product creation and development and registration strategy formulation for diagnostics and medical devices will include selecting external cutting-edge technologies or technologies under consideration, and working with startups, academia, and/or major diagnostic companies, in Japan or in other countries including in the US and Europe, and specialized departments within the company to turn them into products. Using scientific knowledge, the Product Manager will work with R&D staff, including the Diagnostics and Medical Devices Project Leader (PL), to lead activities to bring products to market that will bring many treatments and healthcare solutions to patients by achieving Test to Treat for the relevant diseases.

This may change in the future as determined by the company.

・生命科学系 (医・歯・薬・理・農・工) の学士卒以上
・英語力 (メール,リモート会議等での対応)
【Essential criteria】
・Bachelor's degree or higher in life sciences (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, science, agriculture, engineering)
・Experience in diagnostic or medical device projects in the diagnostic, medical device, pharmaceutical, or biotechnology industries
・Ability to evaluate new diagnostic and medical device candidate technologies (science and product realization)
・Communication skills to build good relationships with internal and external stakeholders
・Ability to proactively work with people in various positions to build relationships and reach consensus
・English proficiency (email, remote meetings, etc.) 
【Desirable criteria】
・Experience in project management of the development and registration of diagnostic drugs or medical devices in the diagnostic, medical device, pharmaceutical, or biotechnology industries
・Experience in bringing diagnostic drugs or medical devices to approval
・English language proficiency sufficient to facilitate meetings and conduct business negotiations

募集の背景(Background of recruitment)
SHIONOGIが目指す最もよいヘルスケアソリューションのグローバル展開とヘルスケアの未来創出には,""Test to Treat” (早期診断/早期治療) の実現が不可欠と考えています.そこで,SHIONOGIがグローバルに展開する診断薬・医療機器や診断・医療ツールの製品化をリードできる方を募集します.
 We believe that the realization of ""Test to Treat"" (early diagnosis/early treatment) is essential to SHIONOGI's goal of global expansion of the best healthcare solutions and creating the future of healthcare. Therefore, we are looking for someone who can lead the realization of diagnostic drugs, medical devices, and diagnostic and medical tools that SHIONOGI will expand globally.

得られるスキル(Skills that can be developed)

By collaborating with various stakeholders both inside and outside the company and leading the implementation of Test toward Treat, you will gain the ability to provide new diagnostic healthcare solutions, expand our personal network, and contribute to creating the future of healthcare.
