医薬品開発プロジェクトリーダー (PL) は,医薬品開発プロジェクトチームのリーダーとして,社内の関係部署,社外のパートナー企業やアカデミア/KOLと緊密に連携して,担当品目のグローバルにおける承認取得・育薬を目指した開発戦略の立案,これに基づいた開発計画の策定と実施,その進捗管理・統括を行う.そのために,開発品の特性を理解し関係する疾患領域の動向をふまえ求められるニーズに合致した製品開発推進に必要な開発戦略の立案を主導する.その過程で適応疾患の最適化や目指すべき製品特性の検証,更にはLCMを含む開発品の新たな付加価値創製を指向した非臨床/臨床試験計画を策定する.また,開発計画の実施状況の統括管理,スケジュールと予算管理を行い,開発プロジェクト全体の進捗を促し,開発品の価値を高めグローバルでの製造承認申請と上市の早期実現を達成する.
・開発品の特性・開発コンセプト・製品目標 (TPP:Target Product Profile) を策定し開発戦略へと反映させ開発計画に落とし込み,その実施と進捗に責任を担う.
・プロジェクトチームの運営においてはプロジェクトの目標 (KPI/KSFなど) を策定し,それをチームメンバーに明示することで,チームの機能を品質,効率,有効性の点から最大化を図る.同時に進捗状況を定量的に分析評価し必要な改善措置を実施すると共に,業務遂行時に直面する様々な問題の分析と解決策を提案し実行する.
The Project Leader (PL) will lead the project team and collaborate closely with internal departments, external partner companies, and academia/KOLs to develop a global strategy aimed at obtaining regulatory approval and advancing drug development for the assigned product. This includes the formulation and implementation of development plans based on the strategy, as well as overseeing and managing the progress of the project. During this process, we will develop a non-clinical/clinical trial plan aimed at optimizing the target indications, validating the desired product attributes, and creating new added value for the development product, including lifecycle management (LCM). Oversee the implementation status of the development plan and manage schedules and budgets. By doing so, the PL will promote the overall progress of the development project, enhance the value of the development product, and achieve early approval and market launch on a global scale.
・Formulating the characteristics, development concept, and product goals (TPP: Target Product Profile) for the development product and reflecting them in the development strategy, and then incorporating them into the development plan, taking responsibility for its implementation and progress.
・Taking on the challenge of implementing clinical trials utilizing markers that can be used to predict the effectiveness and stratify patients, based on the pharmacological mechanisms of the development product and the characteristics of the targeted diseases.
・Promoting smooth and effective collaboration with internal departments and external companies and academia, as well as coordinating with regulatory authorities, in order to address challenges that arise during the development process and maximize the value of the development product and accelerate development.
・Acting as the representative of SHIONOGI during introduction evaluations, negotiation derivations, and coordination with partners in joint development projects.
・In managing the project team, setting goals (KPI/KSF, etc.) for the project, explicitly communicating them to team members, and maximizing the team's functionality in terms of quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Additionally, analyze and propose solutions for various issues that arise during the course of the project execution, and execute those solutions accordingly.